Tuesday, June 21, 2016

GM Diet - Day 5

Welcome to the fifth day of the GM diet. Now going into day 5 GM diet there are going to be some additional changes from the previous day. The major change is the inclusion of the non vegetarian items i.e. beef/chicken. This day is for focusing on the protein component of the diet.

Day 5 in the GM diet, just like day 4 can be a little restrictive with regards to the choices of foods to consume, but the options are certainly filling. One may refer back to the initial GM diet plan, to ensure all the food items are available and prepare accordingly. The quantity is also restrictive. the fifth day is detailed as listed below:
  1. Beef/Chicken - You may consume upto 2 patties of beef/chicken during the day. These may be cooked with appropriate seasoning in order to easily consume.
  2. Tomatoes - Up to 6 tomatoes are recommended during the day. These can be consumed as a side dish. Season with salt to make it easier to consume if need be.
Day 5 needs to be planned particularly well since the menu items are a bit difficult to manage and consume. This is the day where one might get discouraged with the choices available, especially if the dieter is a vegetarian. Vegetarians may replace the beef/chicken with the cottage cheese (paneer). Still the issue remains of cooking the beef/chicken or the cottage cheese. You may try to make patties for either with enough seasoning to consume easily.

Precautions: Since you are consuming beef/chicken during the day with tomatoes , leading to a lot of urea production in the body. To counter the build up of the urea, try to consume at least a litre of the water during the day to avoid any discomfort. GM diet exercise plan should be revisited in order to see best results but nothing should be overdone and put your overall health in jeopardy.

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